On this page, you will soon be able to find video tutorials that cover some of the more methodological topics discussed in Clark, Golder, and Golder’s (2017) Principles of Comparative Politics. More video tutorials will be added as they are finished.
Chapter 1: Introduction
- No videos
Chapter 2: What is Science?
- Arguments and categorical syllogisms
- Categorical syllogisms: Valid and invalid arguments
- Logic and scientific testing
Chapter 3: What is Politics?
- Introduction to game theory
- Building an extensive form game: The Senate race game
- Solving an extensive form game: The Senate race game
- Solving generic extensive form games
- Solving generic extensive form games: Multiple moves/Players
- Solving generic extensive form games: Multiple equilibria I
- Solving generic extensive form games: Multiple equilibria II
- Building the exit, voice, and loyalty game
- Solving the exit, voice, and loyalty game
Chapter 4: The Origins of the Modern State
- Building a normal form game: The prisoner’s dilemma
- Solving a normal form game: The prisoner’s dilemma
- Solving generic normal form games
- Some more generic normal form games