Lecture Slides

Principles of Comparative Politics (Fourth Edition, 2024)

Lecture slides are provided in Beamer and Powerpoint. We thank our undergraduate student Christine Burns for producing the Powerpoint slides. For the Beamer lecture slides, you can download the PDFs or, if you want to edit the slides yourself, you can download the PDFs and the supplementary materials. You can download the slides for all of the chapters at once, or you can download them for particular chapters.

Beamer (All Chapters)

Powerpoint (All Chapters)

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: What is Science?

Chapter 3: What is Politics?

Chapter 4: The Origins of the Modern State

Chapter 5: Democracy and Dictatorship: Conceptualization and Measurement

Chapter 6: The Economic Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship

Chapter 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship

Chapter 8: Democratic Transitions

Chapter 9: Varieties of Dictatorship

Chapter 10: Problems with Group Decision Making

Chapter 11: Parliamentary, Presidential, and Semi-Presidential Democracies

Chapter 12: Elections and Electoral Systems

Chapter 13: Parties, Party Systems, and Party Competition

Chapter 14: Institutional Veto Players

Chapter 15: Consequences of Democratic Institutions